Friday, June 15, 2012

Moving to Lima, Perú

After returning to the states two years ago after living abroad, I'm now a recent college graduate, and am preparing to move to Lima, Peru for a year-long contract with a company called Latin America for Less. There, I'll be working as a travel advisor doing sales and making itineraries for people interested in traveling to Central and South America.

It's crazy that after 3 month-long trips back to Lima, Peru in the last two years, I'll finally be staying in the city for an extended amount of time. While it's going to be hard leaving behind family and friends again, I'm excited for a new challenge and a chance to improve my Spanish, and live in another foreign city.

Preparing for this trip is definitely different than my first trip abroad, as I am less nervous about communicating in Spanish and not knowing anyone beforehand. Lucky for me, I have a handful of good friends in the city of Lima, and there are lots of young adults working in same office as me so hopefully  I won't have trouble meeting people and making Lima my new home. I think the biggest issue for me right now is packing and trying to decide whats coming with me and what to leave behind...

Hasta luego :)