Last weekend was the same as most weekends, Friday night I went out with Matias and his friends which was fun, but difficult because his friends speak in such a heavy “Cordoba” accent. I recently found out about this accent in this area (would have been nice to know beforehand, I thought I was just slow and couldn’t understand). Apparently in Cordoba everyone speaks with a heavy accent that makes it harder to understand them then anywhere else in Argentina. Go figure! So maybe once I get to Peru things will be easier then I thought…we will see. After the club closed around 5am, the boys wanted Churri-Pan and hotdogs (in Boston we have Cappys/Pizza/Chinese, I’m going to miss churri pan SO bad). People here eat their hotdogs with everything under the sun...seriously they have about 15 toppings to choose from including mayo, those potato stix from middle school...haha. Finally got home around 6:30am as usual… man it’s exhausting living here but I love every second of it :)
Saturday I started to get the sinking feeling like I might have lice. Before you all get grossed out and think it’s weird for me to get lice, let me explain. I work with over 50 or 60 girls in the orphanage. Every single one of them has lice. I take precaution and wear my hair up and don’t let the girls brush or play with my hair…but I was told that it was pretty much inevitable for me to get lice. I ran to the pharmacy and got a brush and shampoo and when I got back my host mom looked at my scalp and sure enough…Lice. AWESOME. First strep, now this, what next? So I started treatments on my hair and everyday after work I am constantly checking for new lice so that they can’t lay more eggs in my hair. They multiple extremely fast so it is a huge pain… and now I’m paranoid. UGH. No es bueno…
El río en Cosquín
Sunday, I got up early (shocking for the weekend) and Matias, Andrea, Maxi & I took the train to Las Sierras (Mountains) to Cosquin. It was a long train ride and kind of annoying because it was so crowded. IT was a beautiful day so many people had the same idea to enjoy the lake/river in the sunshine. We spent the day relaxing by the river, swimming, and getting some sun. I got so burnt even though I wore sunscreen…I was burned for 4 days. Ahh the sun here is STRONG. We took the bus back later that night because the train took too long on the way up. The scenery up there was gorgeous though! I can’t wait to see more amazing scenery when I get out to Mendoza near the Andes!
Sunset in Cosquín
This week was pretty much the same as always, working at the orphanage, and then hanging out during the afternoon and relaxing. Things are at the orphanage are getting better. I have been working more with the younger kids while the older ones go to school, and I really enjoy being with the little ones. I have been working on writing simple Spanish words with them, coloring, playing outside, and of course changing poopy diapers. I am REALLY not a fan of having to shower the kids every time I change their diapers just to rid them of poop…but hey I guess I will get used to it. I have been eating lunch at the orphanage too and my stomach isn’t enjoying it too much. Half the time I feel sick afterwards but I figure my immune system will get used to it at some point. It just kind of urks (is that the word) me a bit to eat with a fork on a plate that I know is not clean. They barely rinse the plates and cups, let alone use soap… very unsanitary. There also isn’t toilet paper in the bathrooms because they don’t want the kids to clog the toilets, so they have debay (not sure how to spell it..) so that kids can clean themselves. I always bring tissues with me everywhere… and hand sanitizer. I was never one to carry hand sanitizer with me around, but here I have to. I never know what I’m going to have to do… let alone I have yet to find soap in my entire work place. I also met another American this week, Shanna, who works in the orphanage too. She’s from Colorado…it’s nice to know another American in the orphanage now..
As for this weekend, I’m trying to get tickets to get to Carnaval in San Luis, but I’m not sure if it will happen. A lot of the tickets are sold out…but we really want to go so I’m hoping that it happens! Not too much else going on, I can’t believe I have only 5 weeks left here until I’m off to Peru…where is the time going?! I have way too many things I want to do before I leave this place…
Oh, and for any of you who heard about the earthquake in Chile, we did feel it here in Argentina. It happened at 3:30am and I was out with friends so it wasn’t enough that I noticed…but my host parents woke up because they felt it…and then about 12 hours later we had an earthquake in Northern Argentina which I was asleep for so I missed that one also.
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