Saturday, January 9, 2010

So much to little time

So another checkmark off my list of things to blog is made. I know, huge priority. But I knew if I didn't make it now that it would never happen and I want to be able to stay connected with everyone somehow since I don't even know what to expect when I board my flight in 2 weeks (hoping for hot water and occasional internet access, and hopefully no bugs where I'm sleeping...that's all i ask).

I just got an email from my host family, so hopefully that means we have internet at the house (doubtful I've heard). They seem nice, but I couldn't understand a word they said and had to have my friend translate the entire thing. This will be interesting once I arrive in Argentina...guess I'm going to be learning as much as I can the next 2 weeks so I can use a little more than sign language when I move in. ahhh why didn't I start my Rosetta stone lessons months ago...


  1. hi kristina, i hope you have a good trip.

  2. haha i could have given you my bootleg rosetta stone... but anyways I miss you already and I hope you have an blast... let me know asap when you want to try skype... gl kristina... u got this :-D!
